Pancake Mix-Up Muffins

Let’s be honest, it’s not just homesteaders that lead super busy lives. Something else to be honest about, sometimes everyone needs a shortcut in the kitchen to make ‘those’ days just a bit easier.

            I don’t know about you, but I am that person who has been known to whip up a from scratch pie crust to make “pop tarts” at 9pm… but I’d be lying if I said we make EVERYTHING from scratch. In fact, one of my biggest kitchen hacks involves pancake mix! I know I could make my own in large batches. But y’all, ya girl is tired, I’ve been there & done that, and currently it’s not a part of our daily routine. I buy pancake mix in bulk because it’s just so dang versatile.

            This time of year, blueberry season, we like to make muffins. Now muffins aren’t necessarily difficult to make, but blueberry season is also planting season. To save time & fill bellies, we like to use pancake mix to make muffins just that much easier. Often I’ll measure all the wet ingredients in one cup while Lucas measures out the mix and sugar. I’ve tried this with several different mixes & all have turned out fine. When the batter is all mixed you want it to be thick but not dry. Try to let it sit for at least 15 minutes after mixed for all the flour to absorb the liquid & for it to work its leavening magic.

One thought on “Pancake Mix-Up Muffins

  1. Pingback: Pancake Mix-Up Muffins — Piney Oaks Homestead | My Meals are on Wheels

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