About Us

Welcome to Piney Oaks Homestead! My name is Brett, I’m the Chaos Coordinator aka the millennial mom trying my best to get this internet stuff done. I may also be the reason we, are here on our journey to use what nature has provided to thrive while we learn to preserve the past to create a more sustainable & sovereign future for our family. Bobby, my husband, and I are first generation homesteaders. We live here at Piney Oaks Homestead with our son, Lucas, and Bobby’s mother. Our hope is to work our butts off so together with our family, including my parents (who still reside in south Florida) will one day reap the literal fruits of our labor on a community sustainable, multigenerational homestead.

In 2018 we set a goal to leave behind our .23 acre suburban South Florida ‘ tropical paradise’ HOA governed homestead with over 8 varieties of fruit trees for more simple living in a not so tropical place. We were on track to go look at a completely off grid homestead 8k feet up in the mountains in April 2020 when our plans were quickly shut down a month before. Determined to leave the hustle and bustle of Fort Lauderdale we got in the truck and started driving north. We started searching for our forever homestead in our home state. Fast-forward 5 months, 2 offers, and an ungodly number of showings we finally landed on Florida’s Nature Coast in an old ag town about an hour from Gainesville.

The past few years have been a whirlwind of learning… as a Florida native I have to say I’m still in shock that we have a frost date in Florida. We are super excited to have you all here to join along in our journey & share all that we learn with you. While your here have a look around, check out our recipes & vinegars too


Piney Oaks Homestead

L to R: Brett, Lucas, Bobby